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by Charles Dickens
Nicholas Nickleby
  • Fiction
  • 1839
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
Finding himself on the brink of poverty after the death of his father, the young and largely naive Nicholas Nickleby, under the pressure of his cynical and pragmatic uncle, becomes a teacher in one of the notorious closed English schools... Even now, even the most trained reader is shocked by pictures of ruthless corporal punishment and humiliation of older students - teachers and younger students - elders. Closed schools, in which, according to most Victorian writers, forged the color of the British Empire, became a monstrous prison for the humanist Dickens, breaking children's destinies and...
Number of pages: ~ 922 pages

by Charles Dickens
Hard Times
  • Fiction
  • 1854
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
A novel where the bitter fury of a realist writer is hidden under external sentimentality, for which the imperfection of human nature and the darkness of the human soul are not news - and still cause rejection. Friendship and betrayal, love and hate, the confrontation of minions and stepsons of fate - these are just a few storylines of this truly comprehensive, epoch-making novel, where the history of the country and era is reflected in the history of a small town....
Number of pages: ~ 303 pages

by Charles Dickens
American Notes
In 1842, the prominent English writer Charles Dickens (1812-1870) took a trip to America. Returning to England, he published American Notes (1842), and a little later, Martin Cheslwith (1844), two works in which the lying legend of "American Paradise" was exposed. At that time, America knew the slavery of blacks, in addition, Dickens could observe wild political mores, the controllability of the American press. He showed all this in his notes....
Number of pages: ~ 279 pages

by Charles Dickens
Martin Chuzzlewit
  • Fiction
  • 1844
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
"Martin Cheslewith" is Dickens’s frankly satirical, witty, mischievous humor, inspired by a trip to the United States. It seems to the reader that the high society of New York in the middle of the 19th century appears - in reality, prudent, mercantile Yankees with their naive, absurd and vulgar attempts to fake London aristocratic customs. This is the general background on which the full story of exciting adventures unfolds with the cousins ​​of Cheslwith - the adventurous, addicted Martin, suffering from tyranny of his rich grandfather, and the cynical, mercilessly cruel Jonas....
Number of pages: ~ 925 pages

by Charles Dickens
Our Mutual Friend
  • Fiction
  • 1865
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
England 1860s. Bella was bequeathed to the bride. Just because of one accident, Bella passed this fate. A beautiful but poor girl was taken under her care by an elderly couple. They wanted to bring her into the light. But Bella fell in love with the mysterious secretary, forgetting about everything in the world... The poor gentleman Eugene draws attention to Lizzy, the boatman’s daughter. Lizzy tries to avoid his attention. Another man falls in love with a young girl: the unbalanced teacher of her brother, who is ready to commit a crime for her sake......
Number of pages: ~ 932 pages

by Charles Dickens
Three Ghost Stories
  • Fiction
  • 1866
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens is one of the most famous writers of Victorian England. His mastery of the language, the ability to build a plot and fill it with unforgettable characters brought the author the well-deserved title of classic. And the mystical stories that happened with the heroes of this book, still excite the imagination of readers around the world! Do you believe in ghosts?.....
Number of pages: ~ 66 pages

by Charles Dickens
Bleak House
  • Fiction
  • 2003
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
Childhood Esther Summerston takes place in Windsor, in the house of her godmother, Miss Barbury. The girl feels lonely and often condemns, turning to her best friend, a ruddy doll: "You know perfectly well, doll, that I am a fool, so be kind, do not be angry with me." Esther seeks to know the secret of her origin and begs the godmother to tell at least something about her mother. Once Miss Barbery does not stand it and severely says: “Your mother covered herself with shame, and you brought shame on her. Forget about her ... ”Once, after returning from school, Esther finds herself in the house...
Number of pages: ~ 1060 pages

by Charles Dickens
The Old Curiosity Shop
  • Fiction
  • 1840
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
The interweaving of realistic narratives and fairy tales with gothic elements, "bizarre", "strange and grotesque" characters, dark secrets. In the novel about Nell, the little girl of the "infinitely sweet temper", her grandfather, the mind-boggling dreamer-gambler, and the cruel dwarf pursuing them the money-lender Quilpe - the eternal theme of the confrontation between good and evil. One of the most touching novels of C. Dickens....
Number of pages: ~ 624 pages

by Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist
  • Fiction
  • 1996
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
English writer Charles Dickens is understandable and dear to readers of all generations and nationalities. And this is not surprising, since he wrote about what is well known to everyone: about good and evil, about family values, about punishment of vices and the reward of virtue. The ingenious imagination of Dickens gave him the opportunity to survive many lives for his heroes. The fate of one of them - Oliver Twist had a difficult fate, but this crafty, touching and pure soul boy, having gone through Fegin’s thieves' school, having endured many adversities and dangers, was nevertheless...
Number of pages: ~ 454 pages

by Charles Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities is a Charles Dickens novel and one of the most popular English books. It became the bestseller long before this term arose. Only in English more than two hundred million copies were printed. This is a story about how the French Revolution changed life of both London and Paris. This is a story of violent passion and exciting adventures in the Era of changes. In those days, a prison cell in Bastille and guillotine were as real as evenings at the fireplace and lace parasols. Love and hate, touching dedication, self-sacrifice and vile betrayal show us all features of the...
Number of pages: ~ 262 pages

by Charles Dickens
Great expectations
The novel was filmed and set in the theaters many times. One of the most famous version is modern film starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert De Niro. This is a story of two people. Pip was a simple boy born in a poor, peasant family, but got a chance to become a gentleman and join the London high society. Estella was a weapon of vengeance in arms of her mad aristocrat guardian, who made Estella a femme fatale breaking the hearts. The story fascinates readers from the first pages and colorful bright patterns of Victorian London complement its wittiness and charm....
Number of pages: ~ 498 pages

by Charles Dickens
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
First publications of the detective novel “The mystery of Edwin Drood”, which is one of the best Dickens’ books or even the best one, came out in April in 1870. They were remarkably successful, and England went crazy with guessing if John Jasper succeeded in carrying out his ominous plan for the sake of towering passion, who did not pity unhappy Edwin Drood. But, in June Charles Dickens died and the novel remained unfinished. What the final should be, the author told nobody… Under this cover the very novel and two enclosures were printed. One of them was printed for the first time! Someone...
Number of pages: ~ 172 pages